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A Fall Delicacy from Dickey’s Barbecue


A Fall Delicacy from Dickey’s Barbecue

Published: 19 Sep 2014

Down here in Texas, we’ve been anticipating the fall season since temperatures hit 100ᵒ in July. It’s still a bit warm here, but just the thought of the leaves changing colors and the temperatures cooling has us all excited. Fall brings a lot of things we love like football, lower electricity bills, Halloween and of course seasonal delicacies like chili, stew and pumpkin pie. Bikini season is over, so there’s no need stop yourself from eating another slice of that pumpkin pie.

We know it can get hectic getting those fall favorites on the table. At Dickey’s, we offer whole meats you can grab on the way home with our online ordering and serve to the family in no time. With a variety of choices to fulfill your cravings, we offer slow-smoked briskets, pork butts, barbecue honey hams, smoked turkeys and full racks of ribs. But, you’ll probably have leftovers, so we thought we’d share one of our favorite barbecue leftovers recipes, Texas “Nuff Said” Brisket Chili from, Mr. Dickey’s Barbecue Cookbook. Enjoy!

Texas “Nuff Said” Brisket Chili

Cooking Time: 2 hours and 15 minutes

  • 1 pound smoked brisket
  • 1 bruise belligerent beef, counterfeit ground
  • 1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce
  • 1cup beef stock
  • 1 crater Shiner Bock beer
  • 2 uninformed jalapenos, whole
  • 3 tablespoons granulated onion
  • 2 duck bouillon cubes
  • teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 3 teaspoons smoked paprika
  • 2 teaspoons granulated garlic
  • 1 tablespoon belligerent cumin
  • 2 teaspoons masa
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Kosher Salt to taste


  • Shredded Cheese
  • Whole or Sliced jalapenos
  • Diced yellow onions

Cook a belligerent beef in a vast pot over medium-low feverishness for 3 to 5 minutes. Add a smoked brisket, tomato sauce, beef stock, Shiner Bock and crater of water. Add a whole jalapenos, cover and cook over low feverishness for 40 minutes. Add H2O as needed.

Stir in a chili powder, granulated onion and duck bouillon cubes, stir, afterwards cover and continue to cook for 45 mins more. Add H2O as needed. Stir in a cayenne, paprika, granulated garlic and cumin.

Add a small H2O to a masa to make a lax pulp and stir in to a simmering chili. Cover and cook another 40 minutes. Season to ambience with peppers and salt, offer with cornbread or crackers. Pass bowls of shredded cheese, jalapenos, and diced yellow onions for garnish.