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Brand Champions: Bonnita, Joe and Michael Pena

Published: 25 Mar 2015

Bonnita and Joe Pena have one ambitious son. Since he was in grade school, Michael planned to own a restaurant.  At 24 years-old, he already had half the money saved and was ready go for it. Joe and Michael were both working in oil and gas in Fort Worth and they frequented a nearby Dickey’s Barbecue Pit. 

 “We chose Dickey’s Barbecue because of the support,” said Bonnita.  “If I have questions someone will give me an answer within in the ho

ur. Dickey’s Barbecue always has someone who can help us when it comes to running our restaurant.”                                            

The Pena’s opened their restaurant in West Virginia. They know being successful is a team effort and have relied on Dickey’s for support when needed. They use the Marketing Department regularly to support their community efforts with the local college, Fairmont State University where the Penas sponsor the hospitality room and the halftime shooting contest.

“I love the marketing department,” said Bonnita.  “If I need something created for our sponsorships or other marketing efforts, I can expect it to look professional.”