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Real Talk with Real Owners: Danesssa Williams of Lebanon, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO


Real Talk with Real Owners: Danesssa Williams of Lebanon, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO

Published: 04 Mar 2016

Owner/Operator Danessa Williams has the distinction of opening the first Dickey’s Barbecue Pit on a military base. A 16-year quick service industry veteran, she spent her entire career saving money to open her own franchise. She searched for the right fit and narrowed her decision down to Dickey’s because of the family owned and family friendly aspect, and because her town didn’t have anything like it.

Danessa opened her first Dickey’s location in Lebanon, MO on land she had bought previously to fulfill her dream of owning a restaurant. A small town of 14,000, Lebanon got a Dickey’s even before bigger cities such as St. Louis or Springfield, a point that Danessa is especially proud of. Six years later she opened her second store on base in Fort Leonard Wood, MO.

In daily operations of both stores, Danessa works hard to create a culture of respect and hard work. She uses community marketing activities to engage her community and Dickey’s ongoing training support to ensure her employees keep their focus on serving their guests the highest quality food and best experience possible. “The daily training videos are so helpful for everyone,” says Danessa. “Even after eight years, I still learn something new every time I watch. Dickey’s gives us a lot of great tools that help with daily operations, but the learning videos definitely make the biggest difference in my stores.”