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Customers are Exhibiting ‘Recession-Like Behavior: Dickey’s Barbecue Pit

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Customers are Exhibiting ‘Recession-Like Behavior: Dickey’s Barbecue Pit

Published: 13 Jul 2022

Prices are rising even faster this summer, as we approach the highest rate in four decades straining household budgets. Pricing concerns stem from inflated rates in grocery stores and restaurants but have even surprised most with the highest fuel prices breaking record from 2008. Businesses all over have experienced changes in consumer behavior, especially in the restaurant industry.

Increased fuel prices have resulted in higher delivery sales at Dickey’s Barbecue Pit. Instead of dining in or ordering for pick up, consumers are ordering for delivery instead. Customers have been opting in to pay a set delivery price over having to pay for fuel for the commute to their local BBQ restaurant. “We are definitely seeing recession type behavior. We are seeing folks use more coupons and buying more family packs for leftovers as opposed to individualized meals and ordering more daily specials.” Says Laura Rea Dickey, CEO of Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurant, Inc. As produce and meat prices fluctuate, prices will continue to be higher in restaurants due to the high fuel prices. As a result, business owners are struggling to combat these tough times. “Fuel costs are impacting every piece of the supply chain and that’s why you are still seeing the incredibly high prices,” says Laura Rea Dickey.

Dickey’s Barbecue Pit is handling their prices by shortening the production cycle and offering family packs and daily deals to all of their loyal customers! To see more of Laura Rea Dickey on Fox Business Cavuto Coast to Coast, click here.